天道酬勤 is the Chinse proverb,”do well and have well” ,
one of the very
foundations of the Chinese culture. Similarly,the name chosen for this business,Jia De,is Chinese for excellence and virtue ,which serves as
the core foundation and very mission of this company:excellent and unrivaled products designed and manufactured in the hands of
honorable and virtuous workers.Since the founding of this company,our dedicated and hard-working staff have spent copious
amounts of time to perfect the garments under the Jia De brand.

Continuous research and development is what keeps our designs not only
on par with what’s out there but allows us to offer
a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Each garment is meticulously manufactured to perfection while also incorporating design
features to ensure their functionality on the job site. In addition, we guarantee that our high-performance materials,including
every single component of our garments will satisfy all applicable safety standards.
by running them through our Quality Control Lab.